Teaching Aug 2017 - Jan 2018

Dear all,

Welcome to GICU!

While on GICU there are a number of teaching opportunities and attached is a rota outlining all the meetings and showing when you are presenting.  We have used the current rota to ensure you are working on the day you are due to present.  However, if you are unable to present, for any reason, please swap well in advance.

All morning meetings (except the Monthly joint A&E / ICU M&M) are in the GICU seminar room and start promptly at 8.30am.

Tuesday morning: Consultant delivered topic presentations with Q&A

Wednesday morning: Mortality, Morbidity, Re-admission and Referrals meeting

Guidelines on presentation are on the GICU website, please discuss with the consultant who was on call for the week you are presenting.

On the last Wednesday of the month there is a joint M&M meeting with A&E on Wednesday morning and during these weeks GICU M&M is on a Tuesday morning. Any problems regarding M&M please contact Dr Bedair.

Thursday morning: GICU Teaching

We have attempted to map this to the FICM curriculum and attached is a more detailed plan of what to present for each topic.

Any problems please contact me.

Friday morning: Journal club.

Presentations should be recent or important papers.  Please liaise with Victoria Bennett, Vanessa Elliott or me in good time and we can help you decide on a paper and will circulate the paper (on yammer) being presented in advance.

There is also monthly separate consultant led SHO (2nd Wednesday of the month) and Registrar (3rd Wednesday of the month) teaching in the GICU seminar room from 2-4pm starting in September- I will send you further details nearer the time.  If you are on clinical duty you are expected to attend and if you are not you are welcome to come along.

We are looking forward to meeting you tomorrow and hope you enjoy your time on GICU.  Any problems please feel free to contact me.



Dr Susannah Leaver

Consultant Intensive Care and Respiratory Medicine

St George's NHS Foundation Trust

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